After hearing that a variety of property inspections can – and should – be performed on a home before agreeing to purchase it, many people start feeling overwhelmed about the whole process. This need not be the case after reading this post because it outlines the most common types of home inspections that are available and provides information regarding when each inspection should be performed.
Pre-Purchase Inspections
Pre-purchase inspections should be scheduled by potential buyers before they even consider putting in an offer to purchase or a bid at an auction. This inspection will help them determine whether or not a particular property will be worth trying to purchase, as it will highlight any structural defects that may be present – regardless of how well they may have been disguised prior to the sale. A pre-purchase inspection will also provide advice regarding which contractors will be required to perform repair work and approximate costs that will be involved to ensure that the property in question can be deemed structurally sound.
New Home Inspections
A new home inspection can be performed during virtually any stage of the construction process. However, it is strongly recommended that it be carried out during the beginning stages of construction as well as close to the date of completion. This will ensure that no serious structural defects are overlooked while your new home is being built. When performing new home inspections, our inspector will look for instances of non-compliance to current building regulations, poor quality workmanship, installations that are not complete and poor quality finishes.
Handover Inspections
During the process of having a new home built, it is strongly recommended that the construction work be periodically inspected to ensure that everything is being completed according to current building codes and safety standards. When enlisting the help of our inspectors for a handover inspection, they will ensure that they are present during all phases of the building process. A follow-up inspection can also be scheduled for 12 months after construction work has been completed.
Renovation Inspections
Whenever any renovation work is being performed on your property, it must be completed in accordance with current Australian Standards and building safety codes. Municipal regulations will also have to be adhered to with regards to the type and size of renovations that may be performed. When renovation inspections are carried out by our team members, they look for aspects such as defective or poor quality brick work, badly installed power points, cupboards that have not been correctly positioned or installed and many other items.
Pre-Auction Inspections
These are also known as vendor inspections, and they involve providing the same reports that are given to potential home buyers. However, the difference with pre-auction inspections is that agents or vendors are provided with access to the inspection report before the property is listed for sale.
If you are considering doing renovations, having a home built or purchasing a property by means of a regular sale or an auction, contact our team to find out more about the inspection services we can provide to ensure you are purchasing with complete peace of mind.
Photo credit: Copyright: dolgachov / 123RF Stock Photo