Although a property purchase is most likely the most expensive item anyone will buy in their lifetimes, many people still try and scrimp on costs by hiring the cheapest building inspector they can find to perform pre-purchase inspections. However, below are a few excellent reasons why you must ensure that your building inspector is fully qualified and experienced.

Enjoy Peace of Mind

When you hire the services of a qualified and experienced building inspector, you will be able to rest assured that you will obtain a report that is 100% accurate and honest. This will help you determine whether a particular property will be worth purchasing or not – especially if serious structural defects have been detected during an inspection.

Be Informed about any Hidden Flaws or Damage

A qualified and experienced building inspector will use an infra-red instrument as one of the main ways to determine the presence of live termites. Although many people think termites ‘can’t do much damage,’ this is not the case – these pests can wreak complete havoc on any wood sections of a home and cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages within a matter of weeks.

They will be Aware of Legal Building Requirements

There are far too many inexperienced building inspectors who don’t have any knowledge of current building codes or requirements. Not only does this result in a sub-par inspection being carried out; you could find yourself footing the bill to have structural defects corrected according to current Australian Standards at a later stage. An experienced building inspector will have complete knowledge of Australian Standards in the construction industry, the Building Act, the Building Code of Australia and current Building Regulations.

Finding an Experienced and Qualified Building Inspector

Too many potential home buyers make the mistake of searching for an inspector that charges the lowest rates. However, this is the easiest way to ensure that you land up with an inspector that is not knowledgeable or experienced. Instead, it is essential that you perform an online search for any negative feedback pertaining to a particular inspector before signing on the dotted line.

If online searches are leaving you feeling more confused than ever with regards to which inspector to hire, you can ask people you know that have recently purchased homes which inspector they used. They will usually be more than willing to let you know whether they were satisfied with their inspector or not as well.

All of the inspectors we send out to check properties are extensively qualified and experienced. This ensures that a complete inspection is performed in order for a comprehensive report to be provided to you. If you would like to have a property inspection performed, contact our team today to make an appointment.


Photo credit: Copyright: <a href=’’>highwaystarz / 123RF Stock Photo</a>